Kokai Sealing Technologies Ltd.

H-8400 Ajka, Új Atlantisz ipari park 5725
Tel: +36 88 510 270

Corporate registry number: 19-09-502161 
Tax ID: 11334549-2-19
Location of the company
+47° 7′ 27.98″, +17° 32′ 50.32

How to get there

Make the turn towards cit of Ajka on „Highway 8” at the traffic-light in Bakonygyepes. In the first roundabout you’ll see Kokai Kft. on the left side.

Coming from the city of Ajka please follow the main road towards „Highway 8” and make a right turn at the second roundabout after the „End of Ajka” sign.

Kokai Sealing Technologies Ltd. H-8400 Ajka, Új Atlantisz ipari park 5725

kokai.hu | Motor: WP | Sablon: Netstilus | Kinézet: K@tilla | Tartalom: Kókai Tömítéstechnikai Kft.

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