The main profile of Kokai Ltd. are the so called rubber-only, bonded metal-rubber and bonded plastic-rubber parts

Production technology

We’re using different solutions for proper metal/plactic-rubber adhesion – i.e. bonding application machines, plasma, etc. – and possess the necessary equipments in-house.

Our vulcanisation machinery can produce parts up to a maximum of 60cmx60cm size at the moment.

Our parts are produced with injection-moulding and compression-moulding („press”) technologies on widely used and well-known machines with 160-240 or even up to 400 tons compression power.

Given the mix of our available machines we can efficiently and competitively produce small (<100pcs/year), medium (~100k pcs/year) or large serial (>1M pcs/year) batches according to our customers’ needs.

Partial automation gives us the opporunity to satisfy the industrial sustainability and emission targets.

Compound development

We’re sourcing the majority of our compounds and components from Hungarian partners, except those special raw materials or processes where the use of local suppliers are not possible. We’re finishing the vulcanised parts in-house in order to assure the highest and continuously controlled quality.

Since 2015 we’re putting extra efforts behind our compound-development and prototype-testing activities. The state-of-the-art in-house measurement equipment background enables us to cooperate with our partners on an even higher level and with increased efficiency.

We can cover a wide range of customer demand by using our own compounds supplemented with commercially available materials.

Specialized engineering services

We’ve established our development center to support our specialized engineering services, in which we have the following measurement equipments available for joint testing and development projects:

Raw material examination

  • Homogenity tester (Cabot-analysis)
  • DSC analyser
  • Rheometer

Prototype (finished product) testing

  • Hardness and roughness measurement equipments
  • Dimension and weight measurement equipments
  • Salt-spray chamber
  • Lab heat-treatment chambers
  • Climate chamber

Raw material analitics

  • Tensile strength and compression set tester
  • Material property determination
  • Creep tests
  • Fatigue, relaxation, tension tests
  • DMTA analyser

Software based FEM measurements

  • Material characterisation
  • FEM symulations | Motor: WP | Sablon: Netstilus | Kinézet: K@tilla | Tartalom: Kókai Tömítéstechnikai Kft.

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